Life Is So Busy

Ask your questions when they come up: at the kitchen table, or from the car after dropping the kids at school. You'll have your customized answer in 24 business hours!

Get Your Questions Answered In 2 Simple Steps:

  1. Send questions by text, or voice-note.
  2. Listen to the voice-note answer when you are ready, and replay whenever you need it.

Satisfied client, Brigid says:

"Having worked with Julie when my 3 daughters were younger, I knew I needed to work with her now that they're adolescents. I really loved being able to record a voice memo, (often from my car having dropped the kids somewhere,) instead of trying to remember everything for my monthly coaching session.

I could tell that Julie was taking notes on all my questions, making sure to cover all the bases. She reminded me of the things I keep forgetting as a parent, and helped me believe in my parenting. I have many personal and family supports and this service rounds out my parenting toolbox!" ~ Brigid

Forget What To Do In The Heat Of The Moment?

Voice-note answers mean you'll always have strategies at your fingertips to review when you've got time, or to share with your parenting partner.

Let's get started!

Relieved client, Jacynthe says:

"I can’t recommend this service enough! I felt so stuck in my parenting, repeating the same patterns over and over. Julie helped me get unstuck and feel empowered
again. She provided concrete tools, advice and most importantly empathy, and understanding towards every member of our family.

Each message from Julie was so bang on, and felt like a warm and comforting hug. Having someone to debrief on the daily parenting struggles and be able to reflect, react, and change behaviour in the moment was a game changer.

It has had such a positive impact on myself, my daily parenting approach, and in turn my kids' behaviours." Jacynthe


No Time To Figure It Out?

Are you a parent with too much to do - bouncing between tasks for your busy family?

With all the driving, and care-giving it's hard to focus on solving your parenting struggles, or finding answers to your parenting questions. As a result, things fall through the cracks.

With Parent Mentor Now, you get tactical, practical, personal parenting-solutions without having to read a book or schedule an appointment.

It's that easy!

Give it a try!

Happy client, Laurie says:

"I liked that I could ask questions right when issues happened, and get a quick response. Julie was very knowledgeable and offered great advice for me. The voice recording makes it easy to use and listen to."  ~ Laurie

Embarrassed About Not Knowing How To Get Unstuck In Your Parenting?

No shame or blame here! I've heard it all before. I meet you where you are and get you to where you want to be.

I'm here to help